Complete Overview of your Calendar.
Stay on top of all your farrier appointments along with personal meetings!
Complete Overview of your Calendar.
Stay on top of all your farrier appointments along with personal meetings!
  • Appointments Based on Horse Shoeing Cycles
  • Clients Accept or Decline Appointments with a tap
  • Complete Overview of Team calendar
  • Appointments Based on Horse Shoeing Cycles
  • Clients Accept or Decline Appointments with a tap
  • Complete Overview of Team calendar
Two Types of Appointments on EQUINET
Service Appointments
Service Appointments are for scheduling appointments for farrier services, including regular shoeing, horse assessments, trims and other procedures.
Standard Appointments
Standard Appointments are for personal use, team meetings, lunch appointments or introduction chats with potential new clients, etc.
Appointments Based on Horse Shoeing Cycles
If you add the shoeing cycle of the horses you work with, you can receive automated reminders to book an appointment when a horse is due for shoeing.
Clients Accept or Decline Appointments with a tap
We make sure your clients get all the information about the appointments through both an email and/or SMS invitation (with location, team members, horse details & time) & an RSVP option to ensure they never forget an appointment!
Complete Overview of Team calendar
EQUINET also makes it super easy to manage your entire team's calendar all in one place, allowing you to know which team member is working on which horse at any given time.
Discover How Other Farriers are using Appointments
"EQUINET is our go-to for hassle-free appointment scheduling. It's incredibly user-friendly, and the automated invites and reminders for clients have saved us from countless forgotten appointments."

Adam Morris, Farrier, New South Wales
Learn how to use Appointments
Check out our how to schedule or reschedule an appointment, sharing appointment reports with clients, and more!
Ready to Try it Out? Download Now!
EQUINET is available on the App Store and Google Play.
Take your farriery business to the next level today!
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Available on App Store and Google Play.

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